1969 Mattel Giocattoli (Toys) Catalog

This page is an index for the 1969 Mattel Giocattoli (Mattel Toys) Italian dealer's catalog. Due to the size of the catalog, we only display the Gran Toros, Sputafuoco, Heisse Räder, Hot Wheels, and Mebetoys related pages. This catalog was issued before Mattel bought Mebetoys thus only the Hot Wheels Redlines (Ruote Brucia Pista) related items appear in the catalog (no Gran Toros or Mebetoys).

Click on any image to enlarge it.

The front cover of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog. (Mattel Giocattoli)

The back cover of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog.

The index of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog. (Mattel Giocattoli)

Page 1 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli) showing the Brucia Pista (Hot Wheels) 1/64-scale models (Redlines).

Page 2 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli) showing the Brucia Pista (Hot Wheels) 1/64-scale models (Redlines) and some of their distinguishing features.

Page 3 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli) showing the Brucia Pista (Hot Wheels) 1/64-scale models (Redlines) and more of their distinguishing features.
Page 4 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli) showing the Brucia Pista (Hot Wheels) 1/64-scale track sets.

Page 5 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli) showing the Brucia Pista (Hot Wheels) 1/64-scale track sets.
Page 6 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli).

Page 7 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli).
Page 8 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli).

Page 9 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli).
Page 10 of the 1969 Italian Dealer's catalog (Mattel Giocattoli) showing the Brucia Pista (Hot Wheels) 1/64-scale track sets.