Terms and Translations
Toros were made in Italy by Mattel S.p.A, the former Mebetoys
company.Therefore, the native language of the Gran Toros is Italian.
The Italian language has many dialects where individual words
have different meanings. The translations on this page are in
proper or "university" Italian. The English on this
page is United States English.
Italiano? (do you speak Italian?)
the Gran Toros were all made in Italy and bear Italian markings
we're often asked what these words mean.
Here are some translations. |
literally translates to Spitfire. "Sputa" means "spit"
and "fuoco" means "fire." This was the name for the
Gran Toros series sold in the Italian market. This name was discontinued
in 1973. |
SuperBolidi is a made-up
combination word which means Superb Shooting Stars, from Superbo, which
means Superb, and Bolidi, which is the plural for Shooting-Star. This
is found on the bases of the very earliest Gran Toros made for the Italian
market. The word SuperBolidi was later replaced by the "official"
name for the series, Sputafuoco (which replaced SuperBolidi on the bases).
The earliest castings even carried an
SB-XXX numbering system, an abbreviation of SuperBolidi-XXX. Examples
of this very early name and numbering system appear on the bases of the
earliest Ferrari Can Am castings (as SB-101, see the Ferrari
CanAm page) and the earliest Astro II castings (as SB-102, see the
Astro II page). |
Route Brucia
"wheels" (ruote) that "burn" (brucia) the "race
course" (pista). You can say this expression translates to "Hot
(often seen after Mattel- Mattel S.p.A.):
stands for Società Per Azioni- When Mattel Inc. purchased Mebetoys,
it had to create an Italian subsidiary society for the Italian market.
This was called the "Mattel S.p.A." This is similar to Incorporating
(Inc.) here in the U.S.A. Società means Society and Azioni literally
means "stocks."
English, meccanica means mechanics. The
company name Mebetoys is short for "Meccanica Besana Toys".
The name comes from ME (for the first two letters in Meccanica), BE
(for the first two letters in the founder's last name: Besana), and
of the First Italian Advertisement
nuovo concetto di "corsa" creato da Mebetoys e BruciaPista. |
new racing concept created by Mebetoys and Hot Wheels. |
nuove grandi macchine Mebetoys le fantastiche ruote delle bruciapista
le piste piú larghe del mondo.
new big machines made by Mebetoys the fantastic wheels of Hot Wheels
the biggest tracks in the whole world. |
i giganti-bruciapista piú veloci e perfetti del mondo. |
the giant Hot Wheels, the fastest and most perfect in the world.
Finalmente papà è d'accordo. Sputafuoco è un'
irresistibile novità! Due splendidi modelli; Ferrari Can-Am
e Astro Chevy. Piste per alte velocità con partenza e traguardo.
Ed ora entrate anche voi nella scuderia dei piloti piú veloci
del mondo! Sputafuoco, i bruciapista in "formato gigante"
in tre diversi tipi: Record Mondiale, per km lanciato_____ Doppio
Sprint, doppio pista per gare ______ Gran Prix, per grande corsa
al brivido. (i modelli Sputafuoco funzionano senza electtricità
e batteria). Sputafuoco, i formidabili superbolidi-bruciapista. |
Finally your Papa agrees. Sputafuoco is an irresistible toy. Two
splendid models; Ferrari Can-Am and Chevy Astro. Track for other
racers with starting and finish gates. And now you too can enter
the race with the fastest drivers in the world! Sputafuoco, the
Hot Wheels made giant size in three different sets; Worldwide Record,
for km time-trial______ Double Sprint, two tracks for a match _______
Gran Prix, for big race excitement. (The Sputafuoco models function
without electricity or batteries). Sputafuoco, the formidable super
racers. |
riservato ai ragazzi piú veloci del mondo. |
reserved for the fastest kids in the world. |
Translation of
the Second Italian Advertisement |
novità T'RANTULA UN nouvo modello Sputafuoco. |
new T'Rantula. a new Sputafuoco model.
anteriori. Simulatori DI direzione. Muso a mandibole DI tarantola.
Motore cromato, 7500 cc. Sedile super anatomico avvolgente. Apertura
DI emergenza sul tetto. Cuscinette scorrevolissimi. Calcomania DI
ragnatela. Alloggio per paracadute frenante. |
lights. Simulate direction. The mouth and mandibles of a tarantula.
Chrome motor, 7500 cc. Super anatomical wraparound seat. Emergency
escape hatch. Very smooth bearings. Tarantula web. Place for braking
parachute. |
gigante bruciapista piú veloci e perfetti del mondo. |
giant Hot Wheels the fastest and most perfect in the world. |
ragazzi. Questo nuovo modello sembra una macchina vera. Guardate
come è bello, come è ricco DI particolari, come
è perfetto in tutti i dettagli, e come sfreccia veloce.
Sputafuoco è UN superbolide meraviglioso! Le sue ruote
sono le stesse del bruciapista, ma molto pui grandi, per poter
correre ancora piú veloce.
kids. This new model looks like the real thing. Look how beautiful
it is, rich with features, how perfect in every detail, and how
fast it runs. Sputafuoco, is a marvelous super racer The wheels
are the same as the Hot Wheels but bigger so it can run even faster.
puoi comprare subito questa bellissima macchina DA sola o nella
confezione le piste giganti tipo bruciapista. |
you can buy these beautiful machines right away, either by itself
or with the race track. |
migliori negozi e nei seguenti Mondo Regali Mattel. |
the best stores as follows, the World King Mattel. |
of the page in the back of the 1971 Sputafuoco Catalog |
questo catalogo hai trovato i modelli piú indicati alla tua
personalità di pilota. Devono essere subito tuoi: nelle prossime
gare lascerai gli amici senza fiato! E pensa che presto saranno
a tua disposizione altri boldi sensazionali con cui conquistare
il primo posto assoluto nel mondo delle corse! |
this catalog you found the models most appropriate for the racer
in you. You've got to buy them right away: you'll leave your friends
breathless! Think how amazed other racers will be when you quickly
conquer first place in the racing world! |