Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm in 1st generation European packaging. |
Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm in 2nd generation European packaging. |
Blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm in 3rd generation European packaging. |
Side view of a Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm in a North American blister display box. |
Side top right-hand view of a red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Left-side top quarter view of the green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Front top quarter view of a blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Gran Toros red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm, front view. |
Rear view of a blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Left-side rear quarter view of the green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm with engine compartment, doors and air brake
all in the open position. |
Straight-on side view of a red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Rear view of a red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Front quarter view of a blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Right side view of the green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Front right-side quarter view of a blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm top rear quarter view. |
Rear view of the green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
The bottom of a very early Italian version Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm, showing logos and markings. Note the Italian "Hot Wheels" (Bruscia Pista) logo and the SB-101 model number. |
The bottom of another red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm, showing the standard logos and markings. |
Bottom of a blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm, showing logos and markings. |
The bottom of the green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm, showing standard logos and markings. |
Side top view of a red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
A very rare green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm with engine compartment, doors and air brake all in the open position (rear). |
Front left-side quarter view of a blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Side top left-hand view of a red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Left-side quarter view of the green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Rear right-side quarter view of a blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Another front quarter view of the green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm, head-on view. |
Right-side rear quarter view of the green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Right-side quarter view of a blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm. |
Green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to an original spectraflame green Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p (front quarter view). |
Blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to a spectraflame blue Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p. |
Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to a spectraflame red Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p, both with open engine compartments. |
Blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to a spectraflame blue Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p, front quarter view. |
Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to a spectraflame red Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p. |
Green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to an original spectraflame green Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p (front view). |
Blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to a spectraflame blue Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p, front view. |
Green Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to an original spectraflame green Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p (rear quarter view). |
Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to a spectraflame red Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p. |
Blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to an original spectraflame blue Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p, top rear view. |
Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to a spectraflame red Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p. |
Blue Gran Toros Ferrari Can Am next to a spectraflame blue Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p. |
Blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to a spectraflame blue Hot Wheels "redline"
Ferrari 312p, rear view. |
Red Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm next to a spectraflame red Hot Wheels "redline" Ferrari 312p (rear view). |
A pair of Blue Gran Toros Ferrari CanAm models. |